Andis products are guaranteed during:
1 year for professional use
2 years for private use
This warranty covers defects in material or workmanship that are not subject to wear, counting from the date of sale of the device, which must be demonstrated by presenting the sales invoice.
Any defect in material or workmanship must be notified within 30 days of the purchase. In this case it will be repaired or exchanged for another one without any expense for the consumer in concept of parts or labor. The defective product must be sent, together with the proof of purchase to any technical or sales service authorized by Andis.
The shipment of the products to be repaired to our technical service will always be at the expense of the distributor, the return shipment will be in charge of Esteve Marco SL
Andis will not be responsible for any defect, failure or failure of any of its products that is caused by improper use or misuse, poor maintenance, lack of cleaning, unauthorized modifications or disassembly or failure to comply with the instructions for use. Nor does this guarantee not cover parts subject to normal wear and tear such as the set of blades, batteries, drive switches, etc.
The use of the guarantee does not extend the warranty of the device.
- Labor for repairs that need to change parts: ? 10 + VAT
- Labor for adjustments and cleaning of machines without changing parts: ? 7 + VAT
- Repairs are guaranteed for 3 months.
- The Customer will take care of the collection and shipping costs.
- In the event that the repair has a net amount lower than 30% of the PVPR value of our rate, it will be repaired directly without elaborating a budget unless the client previously requests it in writing. For amounts over 30% of the PVPR value of our rate, a budget will be prepared which must be confirmed or denied in writing by the client.
The minimum delivery time since we receive a repair in our technical service until it is shipped back to origin is 10-15 working days.
The sending of any repairs to our technical service implicitly implies acceptance by the client of all our previously stated conditions.