
Montibel.lo Cromatone

Montibel.lo Cromatone

Cromatone is the oxidation coloring that treats the hair and allows to obtain both uniform colors from roots to tips as well as intense reflections, thanks to the technology SCP (SOYA-COLOR PROTECT), a combination of conditioning molecules and active activants of vegetal origin that provides the Maximum protection to the hair fiber and the scalp during the coloring process.

The result is deeper colors and shades, clearer and more luminous, as well as healthier, smoother and more carefully treated hairs, resulting in excellent gray hair coverage.


60 g of dye + 60 ml of oxidant

-Effect tone on tone / darken mix with oxidant of 12.5 vol. For 20-30 minutes.

- Clarify from 1 to 2 tones to mix with 20 vol. For 30-40 minutes.

- Clarify from 2 to 3 tones to mix with 30 vol. For 30-40 minutes.

- Clarify from 3 to 4 tones to mix with 40 vol. For 30-40 minutes.

For SUPERACLARANTS , 60 g of dye should be mixed with 120 ml of oxidant.

- Clarify from 3 to 4 tones to mix with 30 vol. For 40-50 minutes.

- Clarify from 4 to 5 tones to mix with 40 vol. For 40-50 minutes.


With the CROMATONE dye a perfect coverage of the gray hair is achieved. Use OXIBEL CREAM 20 vol. Depositing the dye in abundance on the hair. From 50% of gray hair, the best coverage is obtained by mixing the desired hue with the corresponding natural tone. With more natural tone, a greater coverage is achieved, and with a greater tone hue, a greater hue intensity is achieved.

50-75% gray (3/4 of the desired tone + 1/4 of the natural tone) = 45 g of the desired tone + 15 g of natural tone + 60 ml OXIBEL CREAM 20 vol.

75-100% canes (1/2 of the desired tone + 1/2 of the natural tone) = 30 g of the desired tone + 30 g of natural tone + 60 ml of OXIBEL CREAM of 20 vol.

Apply the mixture with the natural tone only on roots. To spread the color on media and tips, prepare a new blend with the desired hue hue (but not blend with the natural hue)


Start the application of the mixture in media and tips. Leave on for 10-15 minutes. Then, prepare a new mixture and perform the application on the roots.


Start the application on the roots. The exposure time in media and in tips depends on its initial state. If the color is slightly altered, spread the mixture on media and tips 5 minutes before the end of the exposure time. If the color is moderately altered, extend the mixture 15 minutes after the start of the exposure time and leave for 15 minutes. If the color is very disturbed, spread the mixture just after applying it to the roots.

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Carta de tonos Montibel.lo Cromatone

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